Volume photobleaching and surface photodeposition in chlorophyll solutions

Photo-excitation processes were investigated in Chlorophyll solutions by irradiation with various light sources. The photo-excited volume and surface effects found during bleaching experiments with Ultra Violet (UV) and Visible (VIS) spectra irradiation were recorded by dynamic optical beam diagnostics. The in-situ optical diagnotics for several spatial beams with different wavelengths was treated in a Beer-Lambert vectorial form. Bleached Porphyrins were photodeposited from Chl solutions on polymethyl-methacrylate (PMMA) surfaces using UV photons. The photodeposited material was confined by masks to simple patterns. The complex photodeposition processes of the bleached material is initiated by UV photons, followed by a VIS photons post irradiation and final fixation in the dark. Optical density profiling along with optical and scanning microscopies show a non-crystalline, bio-organic ovoid characteristic microstructure of the deposited material.