Application of Satellite Data for Evaluating the Cold Climate Performance of the Canadian Regional Climate Model over Québec, Canada

AbstractThis study evaluates key aspects of the snow cover, cloud cover, and radiation budget simulated by the Canadian Regional Climate Model, version 4 (CRCM4), coupled with two versions of the Canadian Land Surface Scheme (CLASS). CRCM4 coupled with CLASS version 2.7 has been used operationally at Ouranos since 2006, while, more recently, CRCM4 has been coupled experimentally with CLASS 3.5, which includes a number of improvements to the representation of snow cover processes. The simulations showed evidence of a systematic cold temperature bias. Evaluation of cloud cover and radiation fluxes with satellite data suggests this bias is related to insufficient cloud radiative forcing from a combination of underestimated cloud cover, excessive cloud albedo, and too low cloud emissivity in the model. This cold bias is reinforced by a positive snow albedo feedback manifest through earlier snow cover onset in the fall and early winter period. Snow albedo was found to be very sensitive to the treatment of albe...

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