Cell clusters in the nucleus accumbens of the rat, and the mosaic relationship of opiate receptors, acetylcholinesterase and subcortical afferent terminations

The nucleus accumbens is located ventromedially in the mammalian neostriatum. Nissl- and myelin-stained material from the rat shows that the internal organization of the accumbens features clusters of cells occupying myelin-poor regions. These cell clusters served as basic morphological units against which several other histological features were examined. Markers for opiate receptors, acetylcholinesterase and subcortical afferent termination patterns reveal a mosaic heterogeneity in register with the cell clusters. Specifically, [3H]naloxone binds densely, acetylcholinesterase stains weakly and [3H]amino acids, anterogradely transported from the thalamic paraventricular, paratenial and central medial nuclei and from the ventral tegmental area, label termination-poor zones--all in patterns which correspond to the cell clusters. Details of this fit were provided by Golgi analysis of the spread of cell cluster dendrites. The restriction of dendrites to cell cluster territory, together with the sharply defined edges of opiate receptor and thalamic tract termination patterns, suggests that some connections are excluded from the clusters, and others terminate almost exclusively within their domain. Dopamine fluorescence is weak in the cell cluster areas, supporting the idea that projections from dopaminergic cells in the ventral tegmental area avoid cell clusters. Though certain extrinsic afferent projections are excluded from the cell clusters, it is argued that inputs from nearby striatal enkephalinergic neurons are preferentially received. Taken together, these findings suggest that the cell clusters are way-stations devoted to intrinsic information processing. It is speculated that these concepts can be extended to chemically similar arrangements in the caudate-putamen, which lacks a cytoarchitectural unit as distinct as the cell cluster.

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