미경험 교통수단에 대한 이용자 선택행태 분석

Personal Rapid Transit (PRT) has emerged as a promising alternative transportation mode for transit-oriented sustainable communities by creating compact and walkable environments with competitive construction and operational costs. This study seeks to capture the changes in travel mode choice behavior in response to the introduction of PRT to travelers who have no previous experience of using it. A critical issue in modeling the PRT mode choice is how to capture travelers’ perception and evaluation of the unexperienced travel mode. The data used come from questionnaire surveys, in which RP (Revealed Preference) and SP (Stated Preference) data were collected in relation to travel mode choices with and without PRT systems. The questionnaire was designed especially for mitigating the potential bias in favor of or against choosing PRT. In addition, an efficient approach was proposed to reduce the number of SP questions by avoiding the complex fractional factorial design which tends to make it difficult for respondents to keep their attention throughout the survey. The analysis results show that the proposed approach is able to realistically capture the effects of explanatory variables on the travel mode choice. Discrete choice models are developed to predict travelers’ mode choices under different choice scenarios by varying PRT system specifications and operational characteristics. PRT patronages are projected for two different test sites using the developed PRT mode choice models.