Report on bus transfer. III. Full scale testing and evaluation
For pt.II see ibid., vol.5, no.3, p.470-6 (1990). Results from selected full-scale bus transfer tests are presented. The discussion of each test includes a comparison of the actual test results with computer simulations. Actual field tests are conducted in a manner designed to mimic normal operating conditions as closely as possible. High-speed chart recorders are utilized to gather test data. Typically, the tests are performed during a major outage or just prior to the initial start-up of a new unit. After testing, the auxiliary system computer models are modified to represent as closely as possible actual operating conditions at the time of the test. >
[1] T. A. Higgins,et al. Report on bus transfer. I. Assessment and application , 1990 .
[2] T. A. Higgins,et al. A comparison of induction motor models for bus transfer studies , 1990 .