Analisis Implementasi Pendekatan Saintifik Dengan Discrepancy Model Pada Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah Se-Kecamatan Ceper Kabupaten Klaten

This research is aim to describe how far is the implementation of scientific approach in Madrasah Ibtidaiyah Muhammadiyah Ceper Sub-District, Klaten Regency. It is including observing, asking questions, reasoning out, and then trying to communicate in concept, theory, and empirical factto know how far was the teachers in implementing the scientific approach based on the Kurikulum 2013. This study is an evaluation research using qualitative and descriptive methods. Some data were collected in figures as describes the real situations comprehensively, according to the implementation od scientific approach. The result shows that the implementation of scientific approach in observing variable is 71% with the discrepancy of 29%, means good; in asking variable 67,4% with the discrepancy of 32,6% means good;trying variable is 71% with discrepancy 29% means good;in reasoning variable is 54,8% with the discrepancy of 45,2% means enough;as well as the communicating variable is around 58,6% with the discrepancy of 41,4%, means enough. This study is recommended for teachers in order to be aware of the changes era of the information technology and communication (IPTEK), and compete to invent a strategy, model, media, and the right methods in teaching learning process. Lateron, it will increase the students motivation to learn and to make a active, creative and fun learning.