Resuscitation of Patient with Suspected/Confirmed COVID-19: How to Increase Medical Staff Safety

Medical personnel, including physicians, nurses, and paramedics, as provided by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention, should be in full personal protective equipment (PPE) during aerosol-generating procedures (2,3) During CPR, however, performing chest compression may cause the rescuer’s face protection devices to adhere to exposing the rescuer to viral infection (5) poorly Authorship Contributions Concept: T E , L S , Design: T E , B K , A D , Data Collection or Processing: S K , T E , L S , Analysis or Interpretation: T E , A D , LS , Literature Search: S K , B K , J S , Writing: S K , T E , B K , J S , A D , L S Conflict of Interest: No conflict of interest was declared by the authors