Postemergence control of quackgrass [Elytrigia repens (L.) Nevski] with DPX-79406 in corn (Zea mays L.)

Laboratory and field experiments were established to determine the optimum dose and timing of postemergence applications of DPX-79406 for quackgrass control. Four node quackgrass rhizome fragments from each biotype were grown under controlled conditions. At the three-to-four-leaf stage, quackgrass plants were sprayed with DPX-79406 and evaluated for control. A significant response of quackgrass biotypes to DPX-79406 was evident only at lower doses. In the field, quackgrass was effectively controlled by all doses of DPX-79406. Significant growth-stage effects were observed for quackgrass shoot and rhizome dry weights in the year of application and in the year following application. There was a significant interaction between year and growth stage. In 1990, quackgrass biomass was greater when DPX-79406 was applied at the two-to-three-leaf stage of quackgrass than at the four-to-five-leaf stage. In 1991, however, the opposite occurred. Within a growth stage, the 6.25 g ha−1 dose was as effective for controll...