Impact of integrated pest management (IPM) technology on the organizational attitude of stored grain facilities in Brazil.

In order to improve the control of stored grain pests and to have better grain quality, in 1999, Embrapa Wheat initiated a program to introduce IPM into some important grain storage facilities. The strategy included: (a) changing the behavior of the storage facility personnel through training; (b) improving pest control knowledge in the stored grain unit; (c) maintaining cleanliness of equipment and premises and, after that, application of residual insecticide; (d) identifying the observed stored grain pests; (e) testing pest resistance to pesticide; (f) applying pesticide treatment and / or fumigation; (g) sampling and monitoring stored grain. The IPM program was introduced into nine companies at 13 storage facilities of farm cooperatives. To assess the benefits of this technology regarding the organizational attitude towards the grain and stored grain losses, interviews with the personnel involved in these storage facilities were made, in 2003. Seven storage managers and fifteen storage operators were interviewed and questioned on knowledge of their responsibilities, reciprocal cooperation between operators and the technical team, implementation of new attitude rules for storage personnel, personnel hygiene and safety conditions, work motivation and on the main problems in storing grain. The results showed an improvement in the management of the storage facilities, mainly due to the introduction of worksheets for registering and planning all the tasks needed to run the storage unit. Improved workplace conditions, work satisfaction and motivation, reduced accident risks, better personnel management, greater grain value, guarantee of delivery and customer satisfaction, and a better company market were gained with the IPM t chnology. It is estimated that storage facilities of these companies, from 2000 to 2004, gained an economic benefit of US$ 11.15 million on commercialized grain.