Aids and Working Adults: The Need for Both Public and Private Sector Responses

Of the estimated total 39.5 million HIV/AIDS infections worldwide, 37.2 million are among working age adults. Addressing the needs of working adults who are HIV infected and also serve as HIV/AIDS caregivers is therefore crucial to addressing the impact of the pandemic on individuals, families, and nations. This can only occur with both the contributions of the public and private sectors. While the public sector needs to take responsibility for universal access to treatment and prevention, other essen- tial features require private sector involvement, such as ensuring that both HIV/AIDS-infected adults and caregivers have the flexibility needed to continue to work. This article reports on SA Metal, a South African company that demon- strates that it is economically feasible not only for large firms, but also for smaller companies to effectively meet the needs of HIV/AIDS infected individuals and caregivers.