FPGA Prototyping by Verilog Examples: Xilinx Spartan-3 Version
Preface. Acknowledgments. PART I. BASIC DIGITAL CIRCUITS. 1. Gate-level combinational circuit. 2. Overview of FPGA and EDA software. 3. RT-level combinational circuit. 4. Regular Sequential Circuit. 5. FSM. 6. FSMD. 7. Selected Topics of Verilog. PART II. I/O MODULES. 8. UART. 9. PS2 Keyboard. 10. PS2 Mouse. 11. External SRAM. 12. Xilinx Spartan-3 Specific Memory. 13. VGA controller I: graphic. 14. VGA controller II: text. PART III. PICOBLAZE MICROCONTROLLERXILINX SPECIFIC. 15. PicoBlaze Overview. 16. PicoBlaze Assembly Code Development. 17. PicoBlaze I/O Interface. 18. PicoBlaze Interrupt Interface. Appendix A: Sample Verilog templates. References. Topic Index.