Developing a User-Friendly Tool for Executing SQL Queries Using Hadoop Framework

In a Relational Database Management System (RDBMS), we execute queries to retrieve any information or to add, update and delete information. Nowadays, the data volume is increasing in every second, and therefore, it becomes difficult to keep a regular update of this data as in the form of a relational database. In this paper, we present a tool which can execute traditional SQ queries over a large amount of unstructured data. Using this application, the user need not write any traditional queries; therefore, the user requires no background knowledge on SQL or big data processing platform such as Hadoop. It can handle any numbers of flat files for executing queries. The tool provides a user interface which is easy to understand and use. The main contribution of our presented tool is that a user can easily execute queries while utilizing the enormous processing capabilities of Hadoop framework, without having any knowledge of the used framework.