* Skin texture We describe thedesign anddevelopment ofa prototype Thepotential advantage ofa multibiometric system whole-hand imaging system. Thesensorisbasedon basedonwhole-hand imaging isthatonlyasingle user multispectral technology that isable toprovide handshape,interaction isneededtocollect themultibiometric data fingerprints andpahmprint modalities ofauser's handbya (finger, palmandhand). Inaddition, inourdesign, asingle single userinteraction withthesensor. A clear advantage of sensor cancollect several different biometric traits, reducing oursystem overother unimodal sensors forthese modalities theoverall size andcomplexity ofthemultibiometric system include: (i) faster acquisition time, (ii) better quality images,whencompared toother systems that usemultiple sensors, and(iii) ability toprovide spoof detection. Initial results on onepertrait. A comparison oftheadvantages ofcollecting amedium-size database showgoodrecognition performance different biometric traits (modalities) usingtheproposed basedonindividual modalities aswellasafter fusingmultispectral sensor andconventional unimodal methods is multiple fingers andfusing finger andpalm. Theprototypesummarized in Table1.The multibiometric sensor isbeingrefined inorder toimprove performance even described inthis paper hasmanyadvantages relative tothe further. corresponding conventional unimodal biometric acquisition methods. One minordisadvantage isan increase in