Conditioning for Strength and Human Performance

PART 1: Basic Science Chapter 1: Bioenergetics, T. Jeff Chandler and C. Eric Arnold Chapter 2: The Cardiorespiratory System, Jay R. Hoffman Chapter 3: The Neuromuscular System: Anatomical and Physiological Bases and Adaptations to Training, Jared W. Coburn, Travis W. Beck, Herbert A. deVries, and Terry J. Housh Chapter 4: The Skeletal System, T. Jeff Chandler and Clint Alley Chapter 5: Biomechanics of Conditioning Exercises, Robert U. Newton Chapter 6: Training Responses and Adaptations of the Endocrine System, Andrew C. Fry, and Jay R. Hoffman Chapter 7: Nutrition, Jose Antonio, John Berardi, and Christopher R. Mohr PART 2: Organization and Administration Chapter 8: Test Administration and Interpretation, Lee E. Brown. Daniel Murray, and Patrick Hagerman Chapter 9: Warm-up and Flexibility, Duane V. Knudson Chapter 10: Resistance Exercise Techniques and Spotting, John F. Graham Chapter 11: Facility Administration and Design, Steven Plisk PART 3: Exercise Prescription Chapter 12: Strength and Conditioning for Sport, Michael H. Stone and Meg E. Stone Chapter 13: Resistance Exercise Prescription, Barry A. Spiering and William J. Kraemer Chapter 14: Improving Aerobic Performance, John M. Cissik Chapter 15: Plyometric, Speed, and Agility Exercise Prescription, Jason D. Vescovi PART 4: Special Topics Chapter 16: Foundations of Strength Training for Special Populations, Moh H. Malek, Ann M. York, and Joseph P. Weir Chapter 17: Principles of Injury Prevention and Rehabilitation, Todd S. Ellenbecker, Jake Bleacher, and Anna Thatcher Chapter 18: Ergogenic Aids, Jose Antonio, Tim Ziegenfuss, and Ron Mendel Chapter 19: Implement Training, Allen Hedrick Appendix A: Sample Mission, Goals and Objectives Appendix B: Sample Policies and Procedures Appendix C: Sample Strength and Conditioning Professional Standards and Guidelines Appendix D: Sample Strength and Conditioning Performance Team Development Appendix E: Sample Emergency Care and Planning Appendix F: Sample Protective Legal Documents Index