Bundled Local Features for Image Representation

Local features have been widely used for image representation. Traditional methods often treat each local feature independently or simply model the correlations of local features with spatial partition. However, local features are correlated and should be jointly modeled. Besides, due to the variety of images, predefined partition rules will probably introduce noisy information. To solve these problems, in this paper we propose a novel bundled local features method for efficient image representation and apply it for classification. Specially, we first extract local features and bundle them together with over-complete spatial shapes by viewing each local feature as the central point. Then, the most discriminatively bundling features are selected by reconstruction error minimization. The encoding parameters are then used for image representations in a matrix form. Finally, we train bi-linear classifiers with quadratic hinge loss to predict the classes of images. The proposed method can combine local features appropriately and efficiently for discriminative representations. Experimental results on three image data sets show the effectiveness of the proposed method compared with other local features combination strategies.

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