A data hiding method based on bi-orthogonai wavelet Multi-Resolution Analysis: MRA taking into account scanning scrambling for improvement of invisibility and confidentiality of hidden images

A data h i d i ng me thod based on b i -o r thogona l wavelet Mu l t i -Reso lu t ion Analys is : M R A is proposed fo r improvement o f i nv i s i b i l i t y o f h idden images by tak ing scanning scrambl ing w i t h H i l be r t scan scheme in to account is proposed. The exper imenta l results show the effect o f H i lber t scanning fo r the key image on the h idden images in terms o f inv is ib i l i t y ana conf ident ia l i ty . K e y w o r d s : Watermark ing, data h id ing, Mu l t i -Reso lu t ion Analys is , H i lber t scan, wavelet analysis.