Cloud markets promise virtually unlimited resource supplies. Some providers set up distributed data centers at different geographical locations and jurisdictions and may not always be able to offer effectual physical capacity to serve large customers in one location. A solution is cloud collaborations, where multiple providers unite to conjointly offer capacities. Both Quality of Service and security properties of such collaborations will be determined by the “weakest link in the chain”, therefore resulting in a trade-off between monetary aggregates, cumulative capacity and non-functional attributes of a collaboration. Based on our previous research, we examine in our paper efficient composition of cloud collaborations from the broker’s perspective, considering Quality of Service and security requirements of cloud providers and users. We propose a Mixed Integer Programming-based heuristic approach CCCP-HEU.COM with deterministic and stochastic variants and provide its quantitative evaluation in comparison with our prior optimal approach.
Ulrich Lampe,et al.
Data Privacy in Cloud Computing - An Empirical Study in the Financial Industry
Ralf Steinmetz,et al.
QoS- and Security-aware Composition of Cloud Collaborations
Rajkumar Buyya,et al.
Article in Press Future Generation Computer Systems ( ) – Future Generation Computer Systems Cloud Computing and Emerging It Platforms: Vision, Hype, and Reality for Delivering Computing as the 5th Utility
Frederick S. Hillier,et al.
Introduction of Operations Research