The original software package TRLan, [TRLan User Guide], page 24, implements the thick restart Lanczos method, [Wu and Simon 2001], page 24, for computing eigenvalues {lambda} and their corresponding eigenvectors v of a symmetric matrix A: Av = {lambda}v. Its effectiveness in computing the exterior eigenvalues of a large matrix has been demonstrated, [LBNL-42982], page 24. However, its performance strongly depends on the user-specified dimension of a projection subspace. If the dimension is too small, TRLan suffers from slow convergence. If it is too large, the computational and memory costs become expensive. Therefore, to balance the solution convergence and costs, users must select an appropriate subspace dimension for each eigenvalue problem at hand. To free users from this difficult task, nu-TRLan, [LNBL-1059E], page 23, adjusts the subspace dimension at every restart such that optimal performance in solving the eigenvalue problem is automatically obtained. This document provides a user guide to the nu-TRLan software package. The original TRLan software package was implemented in Fortran 90 to solve symmetric eigenvalue problems using static projection subspace dimensions. nu-TRLan was developed in C and extended to solve Hermitian eigenvalue problems. It can be invoked using either a static or an adaptive subspace dimension. In order to simplify its use for TRLan users, nu-TRLan has interfaces and features similar to those of TRLan: (1) Solver parameters are stored in a single data structure called trl-info, Chapter 4 [trl-info structure], page 7. (2) Most of the numerical computations are performed by BLAS, [BLAS], page 23, and LAPACK, [LAPACK], page 23, subroutines, which allow nu-TRLan to achieve optimized performance across a wide range of platforms. (3) To solve eigenvalue problems on distributed memory systems, the message passing interface (MPI), [MPI forum], page 23, is used. The rest of this document is organized as follows. In Chapter 2 [Installation], page 2, we provide an installation guide of the nu-TRLan software package. In Chapter 3 [Example], page 3, we present a simple nu-TRLan example program. In Chapter 4 [trl-info structure], page 7, and Chapter 5 [trlan subroutine], page 14, we describe the solver parameters and interfaces in detail. In Chapter 6 [Solver parameters], page 21, we discuss the selection of the user-specified parameters. In Chapter 7 [Contact information], page 22, we give the acknowledgements and contact information of the authors. In Chapter 8 [References], page 23, we list reference to related works.
Bernard Philippe,et al.
The Davidson Method
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Kesheng Wu,et al.
Dynamic Thick Restarting of the Davidson, and the Implicitly Restarted Arnoldi Methods
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Gene H. Golub,et al.
Matrix computations
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ARPACK users' guide - solution of large-scale eigenvalue problems with implicitly restarted Arnoldi methods
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D. Calvetti,et al.
G. W. Stewart.
Adjusting the Rayleigh Quotient in Semiorthogonal Lanczos Methods
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H. Simon,et al.
TRLAN User Guide
Kesheng Wu,et al.
Adaptive Projection Subspace Dimension for the Thick-Restart Lanczos Method
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Kesheng Wu,et al.
Thick-Restart Lanczos Method for Large Symmetric Eigenvalue Problems
SIAM J. Matrix Anal. Appl..
H. Simon.
The Lanczos algorithm with partial reorthogonalization
D. Sorensen.
Numerical methods for large eigenvalue problems
Acta Numerica.
B. Parlett.
The Symmetric Eigenvalue Problem
J. Cullum,et al.
Lanczos algorithms for large symmetric eigenvalue computations
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An iteration method for the solution of the eigenvalue problem of linear differential and integral operators
Ronald B. Morgan,et al.
On restarting the Arnoldi method for large nonsymmetric eigenvalue problems
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Axel Ruhe.
Rational Krylov sequence methods for eigenvalue computation
Kesheng Wu,et al.
Thick-Restart Lanczos Method for Symmetric Eigenvalue Problems
James Demmel,et al.
Applied Numerical Linear Algebra