Inherent and stress-state-induced anisotropy in very small strain stiffness of a sandy gravel

Deformation characteristics at strains less than about 0·001% in compacted well-graded sandy gravel were evaluated by measuring vertical and horizontal strains locally in very small amplitude cyclic tests on square prismatic specimens. The very small strain Young's modulus Eu exhibits strong inherent anisotropy and stress-state-induced anisotropy. The very small strain Poisson's ratio vuvh is a function of stress ratio. Effects of ageing on the values of Euv and vuvh are discussed. On a evalue les caracteristiques de deformation d'un gravier sableux compacte et a granulome trie continue a des contraintes inferieures a 0,001 p. 100 environ, en mesurant les contraintes verticales et horizontales locales dans des essais cycliques a tres faible amplitude realises sur des eprouvettes prismatiques carrees. Le module de Young pour tres faibles contraintes E0 met en evidence une forte anisotropie inherente et une anisotropie provoquee par l'etat de contrainte. Le coefficient de Poisson pour tres f...