Tomographic image reconstruction, such as the reconstruction of CT projection values, of tomosynthesis data, PET or SPECT events, is computational very demanding. The most time-consuming step is the backprojection which is often limited by the memory bandwidth. Recently, we proposed several algorithms to speed up backprojection on various architectures [1], [2], [3], [4], [5], [6]. We now optimized our algorithms for the reconstruction of synchrotron CT rawdata by optimizing the memory layout of the data to make optimal use of the cache levels available. The code uses floating point arithmetic. Although the data are acquired in parallel geometry and parallel beam filtered backprojection seems straightforward the sheer amount of projection data and the large volumes (up to 20483) are challenging. Often, expensive cluster solutions are used to reconstruct the data in an acceptable amount of time. Our aim is to show that standard PCs or standard servers allow for a similar or even higher performance, if programmed adequately.
Michael Knaup,et al.
GPU-based parallel-beam and cone-beam forward- and backprojection using CUDA
2008 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record.
M. Knaup,et al.
Rawdata-Based Dual Energy CT (DECT) from inconsistent scans
2007 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record.
Michael Knaup,et al.
Algorithm for hyperfast cone-beam spiral backprojection
Comput. Methods Programs Biomed..
Michael Knaup,et al.
Hyperfast parallel-beam and cone-beam backprojection using the cell general purpose hardware.
Medical physics.
R. Abela,et al.
Trends in synchrotron-based tomographic imaging: the SLS experience
SPIE Optics + Photonics.