Microsensors and wireless system for monitoring epilepsy

Epilepsy is a form of brain disorder caused by abnormal discharges of neurons. The most common manifestations of epilepsy are seizures which could affect visual, aural and motor abilities of a person. Absence epilepsy is a form of epilepsy common mostly in children. The most common manifestations of absence epilepsy are staring and transient loss of responsiveness. Also, subtle motor activities may occur. Due to the subtle nature of these symptoms, episodes of absence epilepsy may often go unrecognized for long periods of time or be mistakenly attributed to attention deficit disorder or daydreaming. Spells of absence epilepsy may last about 10 seconds and occur hundreds of times each day. Patients have no recollections of the events occurred during those seizures and will resume normal activity without any postictal symptoms. The EEG during such episodes of Absence epilepsy shows intermittent activity of 3 Hz generalized spike and wave complexes. As EEG is the only way of detecting such symptoms, it is required to monitor the EEG of the patient for a long time, usually the whole day. This requires that the patient be connected to the EEG recorder all the time and thus remain only in the bed. So, effectively the EEG is being monitored only when the patient is stationary. The wireless monitoring system described in this paper aims at eliminating this constraint and enables the physician to monitor the EEG when the patient resumes his normal activities. This approach could even help the doctor identify possible triggers of absence epilepsy.