Inthispaperwepropose anapproach toestablish a DiffServ-aware multicast treeina mobile IPv6network. First, weuseamodified Dijkstra algorithm tocompute the maximumbandwidth map(MBM)toallnodes. Then, a DifjServ-aware multicast treecanbe constructed by referring totheMBM Eachcorerouter intheestablished multicast tree mustmaintain anewquality ofservice (QoS) table inorder toforward thereceived multicast packets to themobile node(MN). Finally, whenaMA movestoanew network, atunnel mustbeestablished inorder tosatisfy the MN'sQoS.Thesimulation results haveshownthatthe proposed approach hasbetter performance, especially inthe casewhere thetraffic ishigh.