Correlation of thermodynamic and genetic properties in the Tn10 encoded TET gene control region.
The thermal stability of the Tn10 encoded tetracycline resistance (TET) gene control region is investigated by melting studies using purified DNA restriction fragments containing various amounts of flanking sequences. In order to study the thermodynamic properties of this control region under conditions, where enough flanking DNA is present to mimic the situation in the chromosome, the five step melting process of a 1450-bp DNA fragment is analyzed. Because most of the sequence of this DNA is not known, the assignment of the melting transitions to segments of the DNA is done by an experimental method. This employs the preparation of subfragments from the 1450-bp DNA and comparison of their denaturation profiles with the one of the intact sequence. This approach results in the complete assignment of the five denaturation steps. Rather than from the ends, the unwinding starts from the TET gene control region in the middle of the 1450-bp sequence. A clear correlation between the thermodynamic and genetic properties of this DNA is observed. The regulatory sequence forms a small cooperative unit with the lowest stability in the entire fragment. The thermal denaturation of the TET repressor. TET operator complex reveals, that the TET repressor specifically recognizes the double stranded TET operator DNA and stabilizes this structure by 2.4 degrees C. This results is also discussed as an example of the possible action of denaturing or stabilizing proteins on this genetic control region.