Efficiency improvement of one-sided probe heads for perpendicular recording on double-layer media

In this paper some improvements are proposed for one-sided probe heads, used for perpendicular recording on double-layer media. Two-dimensional lumped reluctance modelling shows that the read efficiency of the well-known W-shaped single-pole head, or WSP, is very low, but can be improved by more than 10 dB by designing a new triangular coil-chamber geometry. The model also indicates that narrowing the track width with respect to the core width results in a further 5 dB increase in output. Furthermore, a new head design, the V-shaped singIe-pole head (VSP), which shows some distinct advantages with respect to manufacturability, has also been modelled. The experimental results obtained from measurements on VSPs are in good agreement with the model calculations. Despite its somewhat lower efficiency (compared to a WSP with the same triangular coil chamber), this VSP yields > 12 dB output improvement compared to a conventional WSP with a rectangular coil chamber and a wider track.