Automatic computer driven optimization of innovative hull forms for marine vehicles

The paper deals with the theoretical and numerical aspects of a complete automatic optimization procedure which has been specifically devised to optimize the unconventional hull form desing for a new USV (Unmanned Surface Vehicle). The related computational procedure integrates a parametric generation module for innovative and unconventional SWATH (Small Waterplane Area Twin Hull) vessel geometry, a multi-objective, global convergent and constrained, optimization algorithm and a Computational Fluid Dynamic (CFD) solver.The integrated process is able to find the best shape of the submerged hull of the vessel, subject to volume and other design constraints. The hydrodynamic computation is carried out by means of a free surface potential flow method and it is addressed to find the value of wave resistance of each hull variant. Results of the application of the described computational procedure are presented for two optimization cases and the obtained best shapes are compared with a conventional one, featuring a typical torpedo-shaped body, proving the effectiveness of the method in reducing the resistance by a considerableextent.