하나로 안전성 관련계통의 가압부품에 대한 기계적 구조적 건전성
HANARO, an open-tank-in-pool type research reactor of 30 MWth power in Korea, has been operating normally since its initial criticality in February, 1995. For the last ten years, HANARO has verified the mechanical and structural integrities of the pressure retaining components of the safety related systems and the integral attachments of the supports and restraints of the components within a specified boundary through ten years periodic in-service inspections in accordance with Article IWD in ASME SEC. XI and Notice 2004-13 (Jul. 2nd, 2004) of the minister of Korea Ministry of Science and Technology. From the results, it was confirmed through the ISI that the pressure retaining components and parts were stable to within the specified boundaries for their mechanical and structural integrities.