Enrollment of esophago-gastric cancer patients in a clinical fast-track program and it’s affect on time to treatment and quality of life.

180Background: Esophago-gastric cancers are aggressive malignancies requiring numerous investigations to plan complex multi-modal therapy. The path from initial diagnosis to treatment can be associated with a long delay. This delay and complex patient trajectory may impact quality of life. Given the poor prognosis and highly symptomatic nature of upper GI cancer, a clear and timely access to treatment of crucial importance. We sought to determine the impact of a newly implemented streamlined and structure interdisciplinary pathway for newly diagnosed esophageal and gastric cancer on access times to treatment and quality of life (QoL). Methods: A streamlined pathway for patients referred to a high volume Upper GI Cancer clinic was generated with input from physicians, nutritionists, specialized nurses, and social workers. New diagnosis of esophageal or gastric cancer from 2014-16 were enrolled in this program and consenting patients completed serial QoL questionnaires (ESAS) at baseline, pre-treatment, 1 m...