Do Semidefinite Relaxations Really Solve Sparse PCA

Estimating the leading principal components of data assuming they are sparse, is a central task in modern high-dimensional statistics. Many algorithms were suggested for this sparse PCA problem, from simple diagonal thresholding to sophisticated semidefinite programming (SDP) methods. A key theoretical question asks under what conditions can such algorithms recover the sparse principal components. We study this question for a single-spike model, with a spike that is `0-sparse, and dimension p and sample size n that tend to infinity. Amini and Wainwright (2009) proved that for sparsity levels k ≥ Ω(n/ log p), no algorithm, efficient or not, can reliably recover the sparse eigenvector. In contrast, for sparsity levels k ≤ O( √ n/ log p), diagonal thresholding is asymptotically consistent.

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