Using high-resolution binary layers and a low-resolution multibit backlight for a layered light-field display

Abstract. We propose a structure for a layered light-field display composed of high-resolution binary layers and a low-resolution, multibit backlight. This structure aims to increase the upper bound of the spatial frequency while also reducing the total number of bits for the display. The increased layer resolution increases the upper bound of the spatial frequency, meaning that the display can reproduce an object with a large amount of pop-out more clearly than can a conventional light-field display. In contrast, limiting the layers’ transmittance to binary (on/off) levels reduces the total number of bits for the display, thus maintaining the high efficiency of light-field representation. The low-resolution backlight, whose pixels can take multibit values, compensates the number of intensity levels, which would otherwise be quite limited with only the binary layers. Through analytical and experimental results, we show that a display based on the proposed structure can reproduce a light field with high quality and high efficiency as a result of combining the high-resolution binary layers and low-resolution backlight.