For the expansion of the Semantic Web, studies in converting the data stored in the relational database into the ontology are actively in process. Such studies mainly use an RDB to RDF mapping model, the model to map relational database components to RDF components. However, pre-proposed mapping models have got different expression modes and these damage the accessibility and reusability of the users. As a consequence, the necessity of the standardized mapping language was raised and the W3C suggested the R2RML as the standard mapping language for the RDB to RDF model. The R2RML has a characteristic that converts only the relational database schema data to RDF. For the same reasons above, the ontology about the relation data between table name and column name of the relational database cannot be added. In this paper, we propose an RDB to RDF mapping system considering semantic relations of RDB components in order to solve the above issue. The proposed system generates the mapping data by adding the RDFS attribute data into the schema data defined by the R2RML in the relational database. This mapping data converts the data stored in the relational database into RDF which includes the RDFS attribute data. In this paper, we implement the proposed system as a Java-based prototype, perform the experiment which converts the data stored in the relational database into RDF for the comparison evaluation purpose and compare the results against D2RQ, RDBToOnto and Morph. The proposed system expresses semantic relations which has richer converted ontology than any other studies and shows the best performance in data conversion time.
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Sesame: A Generic Architecture for Storing and Querying RDF and RDF Schema
Farid Cerbah.
Mining the Content of Relational Databases to Learn Ontologies with Deeper Taxonomies
2008 IEEE/WIC/ACM International Conference on Web Intelligence and Intelligent Agent Technology.
C. Bizer,et al.
D2R MAP - A Database to RDF Mapping Language
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A Survey of Current Approaches for Mapping of Relational Databases to RDF
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SPARQL Query Processing with Conventional Relational Database Systems
WISE Workshops.
Farid Cerbah.
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SPARQL query language for RDF
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DB2OWL : A Tool for Automatic Database-to-Ontology Mapping
Young-Sik Jeong,et al.
Persistent Storage System for Efficient Management of OWL Web Ontology