Supply logistics for the industrialized use of biomass - principles and planning approach

Cost-efficient supply logistics are a prerequisite for a competitive production of bio-energy. With the rising demand for biomass, the complexity of supply systems is growing. Due to the rising competition for production areas and biomass raw materials, small-scale and industrial biomass consumers have to adjust their local and supra-regional supply systems so that they can coexist. Comprehensive planning methods are needed, which consider the geographical distribution of production areas, the competition of several consumers for the available biomass and the present infrastructure. This paper introduces a planning approach and GIS (Geographic-Information-System)-based model to design cost-efficient supply systems for the industrialized use of biomass resources. The model combines the relevant planning parameters in a comprehensive evaluation basis. It supports decision makers in analysing thoroughly the framework for biomass supply, to estimate the profitability of investments and to evaluate necessary investments in infrastructure and equipment for biomass supply. They can use the model for both, evaluating possible plant location from a supply logistical viewpoint and to plan supply systems. The planning approach and model is applicable to any form of biomass usage and any location, if the necessary data are available.