The United States Navy

FORMS The word "abstract" refers to the series of report forms used for tabulating, reporting, and accounting various categories of commercial traffic handled by naval communications. Three f orm s are utilized in reporting commercial traffic. Each one is illustrated and described later in this chapter. Following are the form numbers and titles, plus a brief rundown of classes of traffic reported on each form. 1. N avCompt Form 2132, U.S. naval com­ munication service abstract (fig. 3-1): It is used for a. All c 1 a s s D messages, including those by radiotelephone, originated by a naval ship. b. All class D messages received and delivered on board or relayed by a naval ship. NAVCOMPT FORM 2132 (8-64) 0 u.s. NAVAL COMMUNICATIONS SERVICE ·�STRACT NAVCOMPT 2101.2 0 sent. and re':eived inc Fd. jng those 0 I NOTEo Report all messages to and I from foreign stat 1ons. Sub mit the anginal report, two message I copies, original and one copy of "Statement of Account," I JOURNAl VOUCHER NO I (NAVCOMPT FORM 2065) for personal messages and remittance payable to Commanding Officer, by the fifth of each month. For PAGE __ /__ OF __ / __ PAGES : detailed instructions refer to DNC 261A). NAME QF SHIP/STATiON/ACTiVITY FOR MONTH OF COMMUNICATION•; OFFICER (Srgnature) COMMANDING OFFiCER (Sq;:naturd I us s OVERSEAS DD/23 SEPTEMBE.R a.-e.� �:�:-:�CDR, USN I A. B. COOK l TJG, USN TRANSMITTING DATA COASTAL TOLLS DUE CONNECT lNG CARRIER TOTAL : DATE (Use call letters DO NUMBER OR AMOUNT DUE REMARKS SRS OFF ICE OF ADDRESSEE DESTINATION only} NOT OF SHIP OR OR I NO. ORIGIN RECEIVED SENT USE WORDS STAT I ON CASH EXTENSION I SENT REC' 0 FROM TO CHARGE REMITTED (1) 121 {3 ,\ 141 ( 5) 16 I 17 I 181 ( 9) ( 10) (11) (12) ( 13) ( 14) � 1 5) I 161 ( 17) I 18 I 119 I I 201 I 21 I I JD 2 j USS OVERSEAS AM CON CAIRO, EGYPT SUK /0 /.33 I 1 2D ) 4 'CHRISTCHURCH cooK N.Z. U.S.S. OVERSEAS NPM I+ /.83 I 3D 5 AUCKLAND, N .z. WITTIG USSOVE..R.SEAS ZLP 2.2. 2.87 I 4D /0 US.�.OYERSE.A'O AM CON AUcKLAND,N.Z. ZLP 12. /.00 : I