Super-savior: An Independent Open Platform Wearable for Generating Emergency Alarms

Recent boost in development and usage of wearable devices, in particular for emerging alert generation, portrays a necessity for availing an open platform to enable future expansions and enhancements. However, to the best of our knowledge, little effort has been spent in the literature in this regard. Consequently, in this paper, we propose a rich, yet simple, independent open platform for wearable devices that can generate emergency alarms. We present detailed design and development of the platform, which we name as Supersavior. We implement a prototype of Super-savior using low-power COTS hardware. We devise and implement an algorithm to predict the location of the user based on GSM locations provided. Afterwards, we perform real experimentation and user evaluation of the prototype by letting a group of people use it for extended periods. The experimentation reveals several system-level measures indicating effectiveness of the device in terms of both accuracy and marginal operational overheads. We compare these measures along with offered functionality of Super-savior against that of a few currently-available alternatives. Finally we analyze and present data from field experiments to demonstrate functionality of the device.