Varicocele of Canal of Nuck in Pregnancy
injured by bacterial toxins that any further addition to the blood of a foreign substance such as sulpha drugs (or perhaps even penicillin) might destroy them altogether-hence agranulocytosis. I think vitamin C ought always to be given in large doses with the sulpha drugs and with penicillin, since " it is believed that patients with various infections, including rheumatism. require large amounts of vitamin C if normal levels are to be maintained in the blood" (Savill's System of Cliniical Medicine, twelfth edition, p. 1102, London, 1944). Vitamin A might also be beneficial. Intravenous hydrolysates might be beneficial if there is muchi prostration. Vitamin C should sf possible be given in the form of fresli tomato or orange juice. These patients should have most careful nursing-their feeble appetites tempted by chicken tea, meat essences. wine jelly, etc., with cream.-I am etc.,