From Local Knowledge Mapping to a Learning Planning Process

Local knowledge and learning in an urban planning and design context can be examined as both informal and formal spatial information, which is created and shared in a local mapping forum. The problem is that these two types of information seldom can be merged and viewed together. I will start my study by defining the concept of local knowledge. Essential questions are as following: Can informal information produced by local actors be utilized alongside with formal institutionally produced information? Do new Internet technologies enable more effective ways for knowledge building and learning in a planning process? I present the results of an experiment which was realized in a city quarter of Maunula in Helsinki, Finland, in 2003-2004. An Internet-based mapping application, My Maunula Map, was integrated into the city quarter’s web site. Based on these experiments, a new community mapping application will be built in Espoo in cooperation with the residents ́ associations, researchers (OPUS project) and the municipality. Development Forum of Espoon keskus will be a local web site with diverse information providers.