Deepwater riser flow homogeneous array model pretension of vortex induced by simulated test device

TECHNICAL FIELD OF A MARINE ENGINEERING even shed deepwater riser array model pretension of vortex induced by simulated test device, comprising: a plurality of deep-sea riser module, a first end portion of the support module, a second end portion of the support module, a first fixed column module, a second module fixed column, afterburner module, two modules fairing, two surfers pressure measurement and analysis module and a control module, the present invention utilizes the relative movement of the trailer and towing tank to simulate uniform flow at different flow rates, and capable of deepwater risers array model is applied to both ends of the pre-tension, enabling simulation of the deep sea in a laboratory environment riser VIV array, a long test time and the present invention is capable of testing high velocity cross placed deep towing tank riser model.