Experiments on PIM in support of the development of IVA technology for radiography at AWE

The PIM machine has been designed and constructed at AWE as part of a program to investigate IVA technology for radiographic applications. PIM, as originally constructed, was a prospective single module of a 14 MV, 100 kA, ten module machine. The design of such a machine is a primary goal of the program as several are required to provide multi-axis radiography in a new Hydrodynamics Research Facility (HRF). Another goal is to design lower voltage machines (ranging from 1 to 5 MV) utilizing PIM style components. The original PIM machine consisted of a single inductive cavity pulsed by a 10 ohm water dielectric Blumlein pulse forming line (PFL) charged by a Marx generator. These components successfully achieved their design voltages and data on the prepulse was obtained showing it to be worse than expected. This information provided a basis for design work on the 14 MV HRF IVA, carried out by Titan-PSD, resulting in a proposal for a prepulse switch, a prototype of which should be installed on PIM by the end of this year. The original single, coaxial switch used to initiate the Blumlein has been replaced by a prototype laser triggered switching arrangement, also designed by Titan-PSD, which it was desired to test prior to its eventual use in the HRF. Despite problems with the laser, which will necessitate further experiments, it was determined that laser triggering with low jitter was occurring. A split oil co-ax feed has now been used to install a second cavity, in parallel with the first, on the PIM Blumlein. This two cavity configuration provides a prototype for future radiographic machines operating at up to 3 MV and a test facility for diode research.