BharataNatyam (BN) is an ancient Indian Classical Dance dating centuries ago. This unique classical dance has been taught by a teacher to a student mostly by rote learning method. A student uses various methods to record the dance choreography taught by a teacher. Currently recording through mobile phones and various other devices of a live dance performance are popular methods but it has its own inherent disadvantages.
Several attempts of automation in choreography are reported and dance visualization is the key factor. Stick Figure representation is a popular method amongst all and is still being used by many of the practitioners.
We have developed a model to represent a BN dance step through a unique thirty attribute dance position vector. Evolutionary approach of Genetic Algorithms generates non-conventional BN dance poses which are approved by renowned dance experts. However, in order to visualize every resulting BN dance, a human model has to pose accordingly. We overcame this hurdle by developing a stick figure generation module. In this paper we present the details of stick figure and in particular how we mold it to suit to a BN dance pose that corresponds to a Dance position vector.
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CHOREO: an interactive computer model for dance
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From dance notation to human animation: The LabanDancer project: Motion Capture and Retrieval
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A stylised model for animating Bharata Nateyam: an Indian classical dance form
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Tour Jeté, Pirouette: Dance Choreographing by Computers
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Presenting Movement in a Computer-Based Dance Tutor
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Art to SMart : An Evolutionary Computational Model for BharataNatyam Choreography
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Aspects of the Kinematic Simulation of Human Movement
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Modeling BharataNatyam dance steps: art to SMart
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Analysis and Synthesis of Latin Dance Using Motion Capture Data