The design, testing, and mission execution of a network of autonomous underwater vehicles (AUV) is a difficult process. The design of low-level controllers requires high-fidelity hydrodynamic models for simulation, but the testing of a large network of AUVs with high-order models is computationally challenging. Also, efficiency is achieved when developers can reuse components already implemented and tested by others in the community. An integrated development system is discussed where the Robot Operating System (ROS) is used to interface a number of individual systems that could not natively communicate. The system integrates the low-level controller simulation, mission planning, and mission execution processes. Most importantly, ROS was integrated with the Mission Oriented Operating Suite (MOOS), which allowed for the use of both ROS and MOOS applications within the same robotic platform via the MOOS/ROS Bridge application. Also, the 3D globe mapping program, NASA WorldWind, was interfaced to ROS via rosjava. The target AUV for the ROS implementation was the GTRI Yellowfin, which was developed for multiple AUV collaborative missions.
Henrik Schmidt,et al.
The Dynamic Compact Control Language: A compact marshalling scheme for acoustic communications
A. Baggeroer,et al.
Acoustic telemetry - An overview
IEEE Journal of Oceanic Engineering.
Michael R. Benjamin,et al.
The Interval Programming Model for Multi-objective Decision Making
S. Singh,et al.
The WHOI micro-modem: an acoustic communications and navigation system for multiple platforms
Proceedings of OCEANS 2005 MTS/IEEE.
Paul Newman.
MOOS - Mission Orientated Operating Suite