A merged CMOS LNA and mixer for a WCDMA receiver

A low-noise amplifier (LNA) and mixer circuit in 0.35-/spl mu/m CMOS operates at 2.1 GHz. Merging the LNA and mixer lowers the number of transistors in the signal path and thereby also the nonlinearity and power consumption. The circuit meets the specifications for a direct conversion wide-band code-division multiple access (WCDMA) receiver. Its noise figure is 3.4 dB (5kHz to 5MHz), the total conversion gain is 23 dB, the third-order input-referred intercept point is -1.5 dBm, and the local oscillator leakage to the antenna is less than -71 dBm. The fully differential circuit takes 8 mA from a 2.7-V supply.