In this study, an off-grid PV system is optimized to supply a Conex electricity demand in the top ten earthquake-prone cities using mixed-integer linear programming techniques. The stand-alone photovoltaic system is designed by a photovoltaic array, a cooling/heating system, battery banks, an inverter, and a charge controller. For determining the optimum size and specifications of the system components such as PV panel, HVAC coefficient of performance, by considering two objectives of the study, a mixed-integer linear programming method is used. These conflicting objectives are the probability of lack of power and total cost of the system. The weighted factor method is utilized, and final optimized systems are achieved using MATLAB 2019b. Using the weighted factor method, several optimum solutions, in which the importance of objectives are different from each other, are obtained for each case concerning objectives. The suggested model is optimized for ten earthquake-prone cities globally, while it can be utilized for any location. The Pareto frontiers are presented to show the trade-offs between two objective functions. The average cost of off-grid PV system supplied electrical power is from about 1000$ for lima (subtropical desert climate) to 4000$ for Tokyo and Osaka (humid subtropical). Analysis of obtained results demonstrates that the system is suitable for all of the considered cities. It can supply the load demand of an off-grid Conex with a loss of power supply probability as low as 1%.