Computational methods in nonlinear mechanics

Abstract : This document is the final technical report for the project, Computational Methods in Nonlinear Mechanics. The Report summarizes results obtained on this project for the period June 30, 1980 through September 30, 1982. All objectives of the original statement of work have been accomplished. These have included advances in mathematical modelling, numerical analysis, approximation theory, development of computer codes, and the study of related issues connected with the following nonlinear structural problems: contact problems in elasticity, reduced integration and penalty methods for finite element approximations of constrained problems in elasticity and fluid flow, contact problems with friction, nonlinear friction laws, plasticity and metal forming, existence and approximation theories in contact problem in elastostatics, fracture mechanics numerical methods for problems of finite elastic deformation, nonlinear eigenvalue problems, and bifurcation theory. Detailed summaries of results in some of these areas are given together with lists of all papers, reports, books, dissertations and oral presentations produced during the contract period. Suggestions for further research areas are also given. (Author)