고속도로 졸음쉼터 제원 산정 및 설계기준 정립에 관한 연구

This study investigated current status of rest area for drowsy drivers on the highways and drew the related issues to define specifications and design criteria regarding expressway rest area for drowsy drivers on the highways. Based on the investigation result, geometric structure specifications and improvement plans are suggested. The entry part of a rest area for drowsy drivers on the highways was divided into deceleration transition section, deceleration lane and entry connection road while the exit part was divided into exit connection road, acceleration lane and acceleration transition section. The optimum length was estimated by considering the main lane vehicle traveling speed, traveling speed at the beginning/end point of entry/exit connection roads, deceleration and acceleration. In addition, reasonable design criteria were suggested by dividing the parking section of rest area for drowsy drivers according to parking style and cross-section composition, and length of parking space and then considering the ratio of vehicles using rest area for drowsy drivers, the ratio of heavy vehicles, and the design speed within a rest area for drowsy drivers. It is believed that the suggested design criteria on rest area for drowsy drivers on the highways can be utilized in the future planning and maintenance of rest area for drowsy drivers. Additionally, the defined criteria on installing rest area for drowsy drivers on the highways will prevent traffic accidents in resting facilities and highways as well as improve usage and safety of them.