The Cancer Patient Delay in Seeking Advice

After thirty-five years in medical practice I have attempted (I am afraid in a very muddled way) to paint a picture of a peculiarly difficult problem in human relationshipsnamely, the triangular one between the patient, the doctor, and the State. A perfect solution depends upon an agreed philosophy of life, but unfortunately that does not exist. Compromise is therefore essential. Now I must have said much with which you will not agree. I may have made statements which you positively dislike. You may think that I have painted the darker corners of medical practice in too sombre colours. But I have raised questions which must be faced. True that I have given you no answers to any of them, but I venture to hope that I have helped you toward a better understanding of the problems being raised by the power of medicine which, to adapt again Mr. Dunning's famous motion in the Commons, " has increased, is increasing and is likely to increase still further.