Managing health services organizations and systems
The experts in health administration have authored a revised and enhanced edition of the standard text for health services managers! The crisp and readable fourth edition of this widely acclaimed text examines virtually every aspect of health services management, with a new emphasis on health systems, a thorough update of all material, and new or revised cases and questions in every chapter.While providing comprehensive coverage of the conceptual frameworks for managing the organization and delivery of health services, the fourth edition highlights the management challenges presented by the increasingly prevalent systems structure in American health care. This important new emphasis joins a host of improvements to the book including: -- More than 75 new and revised cases-- New discussion questions among the hundreds in the text-- A significantly enhanced problem-solving chapter-- More tables, figures, diagrams and visual aids-- Enhanced sections on managed care and alternate delivery mechanisms-- Attention to nontraditional and alternative medicine-- Expanded and updated bibliographies for each chapter-- Improved instructor's manualThe revision has been extensive. That's why you can be confident that Managing Health Services Organizations and Systems, Fourth Edition, still brings you the same comprehensive information you've come to expect on every aspect of health services management, from managerial problem solving, resource allocation and utilization, management functions and roles, and organizational culture, to continuous quality improvement, human resources, interorganizational relationships, and facilitation of change.Over 200 colleges anduniversities trust this text to teach their students how to tackle the challenging issues facing today's health services managers. Hundreds of thought-provoking discussion questions and intriguing case studies let students apply what they learn. Plus, the issues featured are thoroughly contemporary, including: -- health system dynamics-- administrative and biomedical ethics-- legal issues-- influential new management theories, including emotional intelligence and competencies-- implications of technology changes.