Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN), Version 1.0

The Business Process Modeling Notation (BPMN) specification provides a graphical notation for expressing business processes in a Business Process Diagram (BPD). The objective of BPMN is to support business process management by both technical users and business users by providing a notation that is intuitive to business users yet able to represent complex process semantics. The BPMN specification also provides a mapping between the graphics of the notation to the underlying constructs of execution languages, particularly BPEL4WS. Status of this Document This document is version 1.0 of the BPMN specification submitted by members of the BPMI initiative on May 3, 2004. It supersedes any previous version. It has been produced based on the work of the members of the BPMI Notation Working Group. Comments on this document and discussions of this document should be sent to It is expected that as experience is gained with BPMN there will be feedback about this relatively young specification, particularly the mapping from the notation to BPEL4WS. Thus, this document may be updated, replaced, or made obsolete by other documents at any time.