The PASSENGER Approach to Conduct a Software-Engineering Lab via Telecooperation over the Internet

 The motivation for the usage of new media in University-Education can be different. In this Paper we describe the Passenger-Approach and our motivation for the usage of new media to support a Software-Engineering Course. We mainly emphasizes the methods and tools used for telecooperation which were developed within this Project. The usage of these tools is first of all meant for a Software-Engineering lab, but is not restricted to this subject. The international degree course „Computer Science &Communication Engineering“, which was first offered at Gerhard Mercator University of Duisburg during the wintersemester 1997 plays an important role. This degree course is financed by the "German Federal Ministry for Education, Science, Research and Technology" and is aimed at students of all nationalities. The development and setup of the new international degree course are described in [1]. German students are required to spend at least one semester abroad. With the usage of new media and communication technologies it should be easier for foreign students to follow the studies in Germany. Further, it can give german students the ability to take part in Software-Engineering Course during their abroad period of the study. Thus students not only have the ability of shortening their study-time, but also have the chance of getting knowledge in systems known as Compuer Supported Collaborative Working (CSCW) Environments [2].