[Tubal catheterization with selective salpingography in the diagnosis and therapy of fallopian tube obstruction].

Fallopian tube catheterization with selective ostial [correction of osteal] salpingography is a new technique for the diagnosis of tubal factors of infertility and also for the treatment of proximal tubal occlusion (PTO). In this study, 246 women were considered, 20-42 years old, with primary or secondary infertility, who presented a unilateral or bilateral PTO at hysterosalpingography (HSG). Catheterization and selective salpingography have been successful in 93.9% of the cases. Failures (5.6%) have been ascribed to obstructive organic diseases, where it was impossible to overcome the stenosis with the catheter or the guide-wire. Twenty-six spontaneous pregnancies were obtained (15 full-term deliveries) and 17 patients became pregnant after GIFT (13 full-term deliveries). At follow-up, after 12 months 4 of 10 patients had normal tubes, while 6 patients presented a new unilateral or bilateral PTO. No major complications occurred; nevertheless, ectopic pregnancy is a possible event, because of the mechanically re-established patency in a nonfunctioning tube.