A Bibliography on Apparel Sizing and Related Issues

17 engineering, psychomotor performance, computer modeling, and system design and operation participated in the workshop. Background papers were provided in advance for each of the three modeling domains: anthropometric, biomechanical, and interface. In addition, the participants prepared brief position papers for distribution prior to the workshop. These background and position papers, workshop deliberations, and follow-up materials constitute the basic elements of this project report. The report describes the current status of development of anthropometric, biomechanical, and interface models, giving limitations and listing research needs specific to each. Approaches to the development of integrated ergonomic models and research recommendations for further development of lower-level models are discussed in the report. Size Designation of Clothes Men s and Boys Outerwear Garments, ISO 3636, ISO, TC 133, 1977. *This International Standard establishes a system of designating the sizes of men s and boys outerwear garments (including knitwear and swimwear) that are classified as (a) covering the upper or the whole body, or (b) covering the lower body only, and applies to civilian and uniform garments. Both the control dimensions on which the size designation system is based and the method of indicating the size designation on a garment label are laid down. Size Designation of Clothes Women s and Girls Outerwear Garments, ISO 3637, ISO, TC 133, 1977. *This International Standard establishes a system of designating the sizes of women s and girls outwear garments (including knitwear and swimwear) that are classified as (a) covering the upper or the whole body, or (b) covering the lower body only, and applies to civilian and uniform garments. Both the control dimensions on which the size designation system is based and the method of indicating the size design nation on a garment label are laid down. Size Designation of Clothes Infants Garments, ISO 3638, ISO, TC 133, 1977. *This International Standard establishes a system of designating the sizes of infants garments. Both the control dimension on which the size designation system is based, and the method of indicating the size designation on a garment label, are laid down. Garment Construction and Anthropometric Surveys Body Dimensions, ISO 8559, ISO, TC 133, 1989. *This international standard defines the location of body dimensions taken on anthropometric A Bibliography on Apparel Sizing and Related Issues