The invention relates to a method of operating a motor vehicle with a hybrid drive, in which between a plurality of driving modes (70, 72, 74) is selected, wherein a normal operating state (70) is selected in the presence of a drive torque demand, in which a gear in a gear (19) is inserted, a coupling (12) is closed and a drive torque of the internal combustion engine (14) is provided, and when there is no driving torque request a Rollbetriebszsutand (72) is selected, wherein a neutral gear in the transmission (19) is inserted, the clutch (12) is closed and the internal combustion engine (14) in an idle state, wherein a second roller operating state (74) is selected in the presence of a drive torque demand is below a predetermined Scchwellwertes in which a gear in the transmission (19) is inserted, the coupling a drive torque from an electric motor (15) is open (12), provided is and the internal combustion engine (14) is in the idle state.